My son is on the Medicaid Waiver Program Interest Lists – How Long is the Wait?

April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month, and many well-meaning people try to share information and support regarding individuals with Autism. As a mother of a teenage boy with Autism (and ADHD), my awareness of the challenges concerning living with ASD is daily. The State of Texas works with the federal government to administer programs to help individuals with disabilities, such as Autism.

These programs are called Medicaid Waiver Programs. My law firm discusses Medicaid Waiver Programs with anyone and everyone who will listen. We promote Medicaid Waiver Programs and try to educate families to sign up for the Interest Lists/Waiting Lists for the Medicaid Waiver Programs. We have videos and written materials about Medicaid Waiver Programs.

The unfortunate reality of the situation surrounding Medicaid Waiver Programs is that individuals have to wait YEARS before their name comes off the Interest List and an interview is scheduled to determine eligibility.

This topic is relevant to me today because I received a call from Health and Human Services (HHS) who administers some of the Medicaid Waiver Programs, and I was informed that my son’s name was at the top of the list for a Medicaid Waiver Program called Medically Dependent Children’s Program (“MDCP”). This is actually the second time my son has “come off the Interest List” for MDCP. Sounds strange since he is still on the Interest List for the other Medicaid Waiver Programs. Well, the Interest List for MDCP is shorter than the other Interest Lists for the other Medicaid Waiver Programs. My son has Autism and ADHD and does not meet the definition of “Medically Dependent” and would not, therefore, qualify for services. “Don’t waste your time with an interview” I told the HHS representative. “Just add his name back on the Interest List for MDCP just in case he would qualify for services in the future.”

That last statement was a tough one to make. I don’t want my son to regress or get into a horrific accident that would cause him to be “medically dependent” to qualify for services through MDCP. The best Medicaid Waiver Program for my son would probably be CLASS, but we have over 38,400 kids ahead of my son on the Interest List.

HHS is processing about 30 cases a month for the CLASS Waiver program.

So, if you are aware of Autism, accept Autism, and wish to support individuals with Autism (and their families) kindly write to your state and federal representatives that you want to see these Interest Lists processed so qualified individuals can get the help they desperately need.

According to the State of Texas Legislature allotted 381 slots for CLASS in 2022-2023. As of February 2022, there are 77,773 individuals on the Interest List for CLASS. Currently, the wait for benefits for CLASS can be up to 15 years.